Students are asked to complete exercises pertaining to significant intelligence issues. Sample exercises are provided below.
The article should focus on the prospects or outlook for the December '05 Iraqi national elections, with special attention given to the issue of potential Sunni participation. It should be relatively short, 500-750 words. Sources of facts, data or opinions should be noted, and judgments or analysis should be preceded by statements like "we believe" or "we estimate". It may be useful to puts source information and analysis in separate paragraphs. Your conclusions should be stated in the opening topic sentence, which should stand alone. You may want to include alternative outcomes and their consequences, as well as some key indicators of success or failure. But make sure these are stated as judgments.
We believe there will be extensive public participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections this December, including large numbers of Sunnis, resulting in a new national government that will likely be more representative of the entire population. While the insurgent will likely to attempt to disrupt the balloting, the security situation probably will be relatively good in most areas. Nevertheless, it remains to be seen if the election outcome will promote greater political stability and enhanced security over the long run, particularly if the Sunnis are dissatisfied with the overall results of the process.