Over the course of the term, you are required to submit six short, analytical papers of 1000-1200 words on assigned questions about the readings. (Do not hand in anything under 900 words or more than 1300 words.) You are required to write one paper, and only one paper, from each section of the course. You will receive questions at the beginning of each section. In writing these short assignments, you must answer the prepared question. The writing assignments get you to the central claims and arguments in the reading, and the point of the assignments is to ensure that you master those claims and arguments. Answering the questions will not require any research or any reading beyond the week's assignment. The assignments will not need (or benefit from) footnotes or literature reviews or surveys of doctrines or any references at all beyond the assigned reading.
Aside from the short writing assignments, you are required to do four things for the course:
Finally, I strongly urge that you regularly attend the Work in Progress Colloquia that meet right after class. You can see the schedule of speakers and download the papers.