
Thesis Research Design Seminar >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Introductory Meeting
2Developing a TopicWritten assignment due 2 days before session 2

Oral presentation in class
3Reviewing Past Theses

A. We will Read Two Past Award-winning Theses, Selected by Relevance to Current Student Topics

B. Sharpening the Topic, Developing Theory

Note: For the next three weeks, we will be discussing methodological choices. During this time, you are expected to be ready to discuss the assigned readings. You should also be reading on your topics and developing a bibliography and knowledge of existing research.
4Methodological Choices I - Quantitative vs. Qualitative Methods

Discussion of Causality, Measurement, Validity
5Methodological Choices II - Case Studies and Small-N Comparisons
6Meeting with Library Staff to Review Research Tactics and Strategies
7Methodological Choices III - Rational Choice
8Literature ReviewBibliographies and written assignments due 2 days before session 8

Oral presentation in class
9Class Presentations of Existing ResearchAssignment due 2 days before session 9

Oral presentation in class
10Methodological Pitfalls
11Pick a TopicAn outline of project is due 2 days before session 11

Class presentations
12Addressing Remaining Methodological IssuesWritten assignment due 2 days before session 12

Oral presentations in class

By end of week, turn in form to me verifying that you have acquired a thesis advisor.
13Presentation of ProspectusOther faculty will be invited to attend the presentations to ask questions and evaluate the projects. A draft prospectus is due two days before the oral presentation. A final draft is due shortly after final presentations.
14Presentation of Prospectus (cont.)


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