1 | Introduction: Multiple levels and paradigms | John Carroll |
2 | Learning from experience | Shmuel Ellis, Tel Aviv University |
3 | Identity, power, and change in organizations | Kate Kellogg |
4 | Behavioral decision theory and negotiation | Jared Curhan |
5 | Attitudes and cognition | John Carroll |
6 | Job performance | Maria Rotundo, U. Toronto |
7 | Networks (and power?) | Roberto Fernandez |
8 | Groups and teams | Mark Mortensen and Denise Lewin-Loyd |
9 | External perspective on teams | Deborah Ancona |
10 | Culture | John Van Maanen |
11 | Organizing and designing organizations | Thomas Malone |
12 | Technology and organizations | Wanda Orlikowski and JoAnne Yates |
13 | Organizational and enterprise change | George Roth |