
IT and Business Transformation >> Content Detail

Study Materials


The cases and articles used in the course are listed below.


Celanese: Berinato, S. "A Day in the Life of Celanese's Big ERP Rollup." CIO Magazine (15 Jan. 2003).

Delta: "E-Business at Delta Airlines: Extracting Value from a Multi-Faceted Approach", MIT CISR, 2001, WP #317.

"Dow Corning Corporation (A): Business Processes and Information Technology", MIT CISR, 1997.

"Dow Corning Corporation (B): Reengineering Global Processes", MIT CISR, 1997.

"Dow Corning Corporation (C): Transforming the Organization", MIT CISR, 1999.

"First National City Bank Operating Group (A)," Harvard Business School #9-474-165.

"First National City Bank Operating Group (A-1)," Harvard Business School #475-061.

"First National City Bank Operating Group (B)," Harvard Business School #9-474-166.

"First National City Bank Operating Group (B-1)," Harvard Business School #475-062.

Overby, S. "JetBlue Skies Ahead." CIO Magazine (1 July. 2002).

"State Street Boston Corporation: Leading With Information Technology", Harvard Business School # 9-195-135, Rev. June 27, 1995.

"State Street Boston Corporation: Leading With Information Technology (B)", Harvard Business School # N1-799-034, October 7, 1999.

"State Street Case", Weill, P. and Woodham, R. MIT CISR WP #327, April 2002.

"United Parcel Service: Delivering Packages and E-Commerce Solutions", MIT Sloan School, CISR Working Paper, 2001.

Articles & Notes

Aley, J., "Software Doesn't Work. Customers Are In Revolt. Here's the Plan." Fortune (25 Nov. 2002): 147-153.

Beer, M., R. A. Eisenstat, and B. Spector. "Why Change Programs Don't Produce Change." HBR (Nov-Dec. 1990): 158-166. Reprint 90601.

Bensaou, M., and M. Earl. "The Right Mind-set for Managing Information Technology." HBR (Sep-Oct. 1998): 119-128. Reprint 98502.

Broadbent, M., and P. Weill. "Management by Maxim: How Business and IT Managers can Create Infrastructures." Sloan Management Review (Spring 1997): 77-92.

Brynjolfsson, E., and A. A. Renshaw, and M. Van Alstyne. "The Matrix of Change." Sloan Management Review (Winter 1997): 37-54. Reprint 3823.

Christensen, C. M., and M. Overdorf. "Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change." HBR (Mar-Apr. 2000): 66-76. Reprint #R00202.

Davenport, T. H. "Putting the Enterprise into the Enterprise System." HBR (Jul-Aug. 1998): 171-192. Reprint #92108.

Deasy, D., and Villano, M. "The World According to Deasy." CIO Magazine (15 Dec. 2002).

Earl, M., and D. Feeny. "How To Be a CEO for the Information Age." SMR (Winter 2000): 11-23.

"Computing's New Shape." Economist (Nov. 2002).

Eisenhardt, K. M., and D. N. Sull. "Strategy as Simple Rules." HBR (Jan. 2001): 107-116. Reprint R0101G. 

Feeny, D. E., and L. P. Willcocks. "Core IS Capabilities for Exploiting Information Technology." SMR (Spring 1998): 9-21.

Gibson, C.F. IT and Our Careers, course lecture notes (PDF)

Gibson, C. F. "Pressure Testing & Changing the IT Organization." CISR Research Briefing #3D (Oct. 2002).

Gibson, C. F., and L. Ball. "Executive Mindscapes and Information Technology." Indications (CSC Index), VI:6 (Nov-Dec. 1989).

Gibson, C. F., and R. N. Nolan. "Managing the Four Stages of EDP Growth." HBR (Jan-Feb. 1974).

Hagel, J. III, and J. S. Brown. "Your Next IT Strategy." HBR (Nov. 2002). Reprint R0109G.

Hammer, M. "Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate." HBR (Jul-Aug. 1990): 104-112. Reprint #90406.

Magreetta, J. "The Power of Virtual Integration: An Interview with Dell Computer's Michael Dell." HBR (Mar-Apr. 1998). Reprint 98208.

Malone, T. W., and R. J. Laubacher. "The Dawn of the E-Lance Economy." HBR (Sep-Oct. 1998): 144-152.

Orlikowski, W. J., and J. D. Hofman. "An Improvisational Model for Change Management: The Case of Groupware Technologies." Sloan Management Review (Winter 1997): 11-21. Reprint 3821.

Quinn, J. B. "Strategic Outsourcing:Leveraging Knowledge Capabilities." SMR (Summer 1999): 9-21. Reprint 4041.

Rockart, J. F. "Chief Execs Define Their Own Data Needs." HBR (Mar-Apr. 1979). Reprint # 79209.

Ross, J. W., and D. F. Feeny. "The Evolving Role of the CIO." CISR WP No. 308, Sloan WP No. 4089. Aug. 1999.

Ross, J. W., and P. Weill. "Six IT Decisions Your IT People Shouldn't Make." HBR (Nov. 2002): 3-9. Product # 2160.

Schoemaker, P. J. H., "Scenario Planning: A Tool for Strategic Thinking." SMR (Winter 1995): 25-40. Reprint 3622.

Schwartz, P. "Appendix: Steps to Developing Scenarios." In The Art of the Long View. Currency Paperback, Doubleday, 1996.

Semler, R. "How We Went Digital Without a Strategy." HBR (Sep-Oct. 2000): 51-58. Reprint R00511.

Venkatraman, N., and J. C. Henderson. "Real Strategies for Virtual Organizing." SMR (Fall 1998): 33-48. Reprint 4013.

Weill, P., and R. Woodham. "Don't Just Lead, Govern: Implementing Effective IT Governance." MIT CISR WP #326. Apr. 2002.




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