
People and Organizations >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Introduction and Overview

What challenges can I expect in my first job?
2Introduction to Teams and Teamwork

How do we build a high performance team?
3Contemporary Management Challenges

What are the big challenges facing management and organizations today, and what skills do I need to face them?
4Work and Careers - Past, Present and Future

What do I want/expect from my work and career? How is this similar or different from what my parents and grandparents wanted and expected?
5Organizational Analysis - Strategic Design Lens

How do I analyze and make sense of the organizational structure in which I am working?
6Organizational Analysis - Political Lens

Who will share my interests and who won't? Who has power, and how will it affect what I do?
First paper on work and careers due.
7Organizational Analysis - The Cultural Lens

What traditions matter in an organization, and how do they affect what goes on?
8Organizational Analysis - The Lincoln Electric Case

Why has Lincoln Electric's incentive compensation system worked for decades while most others' have failed?
Group project topics due.
9Shareholders or Stakeholders - A Debate

What purpose(s) should corporations serve?
Individual project topics due.
10The Nike Case

Should Nike and other global corporations be held responsible for the practices of their suppliers? If yes, how?
By this class at the latest, you should have completed the online team assessment survey that we will be discussing on Ses #11. We will mention some more details about this in class on the Ses #9.
11Teams Revisited - Feedback and Workshop Session

So, are we a high performance team yet?
This class will be a workshop. Prior to class you will each complete a short Team Assessment Form. In class your team will review your team's data, assess your strengths and weaknesses, and develop a plan for continuous improvement.
12Introduction to Negotiations

How do I negotiate when it looks like I have no power?
13Multi-party Negotiations

How do I balance the interests of several stakeholders, especially when some of them aren't at the bargaining table?
14Recruitment/Job Offer Negotiations

What should ask for? What should I offer?
15Leadership and Change - Introduction

What is leadership? Are we born leaders or can we learn to become good leaders? How can we develop leadership skills?

We will have a guest speaker, Marshall Ganz from the Kennedy School.
16The Big Dig, Part 1 Draft memos for individual projects due.
17The Big Dig, Part 2
18Social Influence, Communications and Selling Ideas

How do I sell a great idea to higher authorities?
Instructors will return individual project draft memos, with comments.
19Organizational Change

If it worked once, why not again?
20Organizational Change (cont.)
21Managing the Innovation Process

How do ideas move from the laboratory through the organization to the marketplace?

We will have a guest speaker, Tom Barocci, from TAB Associates.
22Team Presentations
23Alumni Panel Papers for team projects due.
24Technology and Its Social Context

What social and cultural impacts will your technical design decisions have, on the workplace and on the wider world?

We will have a guest speaker, David Hartzband from the MIT Engineering Systems Division.
25Inventing the Future
26Inventing the Future (cont.) Papers for individual projects due.


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