
Seminar in Operations Management >> Content Detail

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Below is a bibliography of books that address various aspects of operations management.
Fine, Charles H. Clockspeed: Winning Industry Control in the Age of Temporary Advantage. Perseus Books, 1998.

Hayes, Robert H., Gary P. Pisano, and David M. Upton. Strategic Operations: Competing through Capabilities. Harvard Business School, 1996.

Etienne-Hamilton, E. C. Operations Strategies for Competitive Advantage: Text and Cases. Dryden Press, 1994.

Irwin, Richard D. Manufacturing Strategy: Text and Cases.  Terry Hill, 1994.

Pine II, B. Joseph. Mass Customization: The New Frontier in Business Competition. Harvard Business School Press, 1993.

Garvin, David A. Operations Strategy: Text and Cases. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1992.

Womack, James P., Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos. The Machine that Changed the World: The Story of Lean Production. Rawson Associates, 1990.

Klein, Janice A. Revitalizing Manufacturing: Text and Cases. Irwin, 1990.

Dertouzos, Michael L., Richard K. Lester, and Robert M. Solow. Made In America: Regaining the Productive Edge. MIT Press, 1989.

Hayes, Robert H., Steven C. Wheelwright, and Kim B. Clark. Dynamic Manufacturing: Creating the Learning Organization. The Free Press, 1988.

Cohen, Stephen S., and John Zysman. Manufacturing Matters: The Myth of the Post-Industrial Economy. Basic Books, 1987.



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