
Strategic Marketing Measurement >> Content Detail

Study Materials


The textbook readings referenced below are from Churchill, Gilbert A. Jr., and Dawn lacobucci. Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations. 8th ed. Chicago: The Dryden Press, 2002.

1IntroductionTextbook, Ch. 8
2Conjoint BasicsGreen and Wind
3Creating a SurveyCase: SPI
4Cluster AnalysisTextbook, 860-887
5Segmentation and Market StructureConjoint Analysis Note
Class Exercise
Assignment 1 Due
6Guest Lecture: Dewey Library Staff, Secondary ResearchConjoint Problem Set Due
7John Wax Case and Factor AnalysisJohn Wax Case
Textbook, 839-860
8Perceptual MapsCase: SIM
Perceptual Mapping (HBS)
Assignment 2 Due
9Review case: MSACase MSA
10Information Pump

Prelec, Drazen, and Vanja Buvac. "The Information Pump." Center for Innovation in Product Development, MIT Marketing Group.

Dahan, Ely, and John, R. Hauser. "The Virtual Customer:Communication, Conceptualization, and Computation." Product Innovation Management Review (4 Nov. 2000).

In-Class Demo
12PresentationsFinal Assignment Due



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