
Strategic Management II >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Ses #Topics
1Course Overview (PDF)

Examples Delta (PDF)

DMK Introduction (PDF)
2Customer Segmentation and Customer Value Proposition (PDF)

DMK Segmentation Assignment (PDF)
3Group Presentations

Customer Segmentation and Customer Value Proposition
4The Firm as a Bundle of Competencies (PDF - 1.0 MB)

Mission I (PDF)

Mission II (PDF - 2.1 MB)

Mission Forms (PDF)

DMK's Mission (PDF)
5Group Presentations

The Firm as a Bundle of Competencies
6The Mission of the Firm and the Craft of the Strategic Agenda (PDF - 1.0 MB)

DMK Strategic Agenda (PDF)
7Group Presentations

Mission and Strategic Agenda
8Operational Effectiveness
9Group Presentations

Operational Effectiveness
10Innovation (PDF)

DMK Innovation (PDF)
11Group Presentations

12Aggregate and Granular Metrics and Financial Evaluation

Metrics I (PDF)

Metrics II (PDF)

DM Metrics (PDF)
13Group Presentations

Aggregate and Granular Metrics and Financial Evaluation
14Final Wrap-up


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