
Laboratory Fundamentals in Biological Engineering >> Content Detail



This page presents the major assignments for each module, plus information for the Journal Club presentations associated with modules 1 and 2. Note that other daily homework assignments are contained at the end of the description for lab description.

Class Guidelines

Guidelines for Oral Presentations

Guidelines for Writing a Lab Report

Module Assignments

For each module, students are to complete a major assignment. Staff from the MIT Writing and Communications Center introduce each assignment with a tutorial session, and offer personalized help for the students. In the following table, examples of student work are presented courtesy of the student authors and used with permission.


Genome engineering portfolio

From Atissa Banuazizi

Lecture slides on creating 20.109 presentations (PDF)


Expression engineering written report

From Neal Lerner

Lecture slides on writing research reports (PDF)

A guide to scientific writing (PDF) (Courtesy of Marilee Ogren-Balkema. Used with permission.)

Techniques for responding to a peer's writing (PDF)

"Experimental siRNA targeting the 469-624bp region of Renilla Luciferase is ineffective in reducing expression in mouse embryonic stem cells" (PDF) (Courtesy of Jessica Keenan and Augusto Tentori. Used with permission.)

Biomaterials engineering oral presentation

From Atissa Banuazizi

Lecture slides on creating research proposal presentations (PDF)

"Expression of dsRNA in Spirogyna algae to inhibit development of malaria carrying mosquitoes" (PDF) (Courtesy of Kat Pak and Matthew Loper. Used with permission.)

Journal Club

The following lists are provided as a guideline for the types of papers that might be relevant for your presentation. You are not limited to these primary research articles. The list is provided simply to give you an idea of the kinds of subjects that could make suitable presentations for the class. Search PubMed yourself to find articles of interest to you. Once you have decided on a paper for your presentation, please email the instructors. As you prepare your talk be sure to follow our guidelines for oral presentations.

List of Papers for Module 1 Presentations

List of Papers for Module 2 Presentations


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