
Experimental Biology & Communication >> Content Detail



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Laboratory sessions begin with a short recitation reviewing basic guidelines and principles for the assigned experiments of that day.

A sessionwise listing of downloadable notes appear in the table below, courtesy of and used with permission from the following contributors: Genetics module notes by Eric Sullivan; Protein Biochemistry module notes by Anonymous; Recombinant DNA Methods notes by Laura Anne Lowery; Recombinant DNA Methods Overview notes by Michael Lawrence; Development notes by Fang Xie.

Introduction and Training Lab
2Training Lab
3Training Lab (cont.)
Module 1: Genetics

Genetics Module Overview (PDF)

Mutagenesis Strategy and Central Dogma (PDF)
5Genetics Lab 1(PDF)
6Genetics Lab 1 (cont.)
8Genetics Lab 2(PDF)
9Genetics Lab 2 (cont.)(PDF)
11Genetics Lab 3(PDF)
12Genetics Lab 3 (cont.)
14Genetics Lab 4(PDF)
15Genetics Lab 4 (cont.)
17Genetics Lab 5(PDF)
19Genetics Lab 5 (cont.)
20Genetics Lab 6(PDF)
Module 2: Protein Biochemistry
22Genetics Lab 6 (cont.)
23Genetics Lab 7

Protein Biochemistry Lab 1
Amazon logo Hames, B. D., and D. Rickwood, eds. Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins: A Practical Approach. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. ISBN: 9780199636402. (Practical Approach Series)

Protein Biochemistry Lab 1 Notes (PDF)
25Genetics Lab 7 (cont.)

Protein Biochemistry Lab 1 (cont.)
26Protein Biochemistry Lab 2(PDF)
28Protein Biochemistry Lab 2 (cont.)
30Protein Biochemistry Lab 3(PDF - 1.5 MB)
31Protein Biochemistry Lab 3 (cont.)
32Protein Biochemistry Lab 4(PDF)
34Protein Biochemistry Lab 4 (cont.)
35Protein Biochemistry Lab 5(PDF - 2.2 MB)
37Protein Biochemistry Lab 5 (cont.)
38Protein Biochemistry Lab 6(PDF - 2.1 MB)
Module 3: Recombinant DNA Methods

Recombinant DNA Methods Overview (PDF)
40Protein Biochemistry Lab 6 (cont.)
43Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 1(PDF)
44Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 1 (cont.)
46Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 2(PDF)
48Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 2 (cont.)
49Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 3(PDF - 1.2 MB)
50Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 3 (cont.)
52Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 4(PDF)
53Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 4 (cont.)
55Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 5(PDF)
56Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 5 (cont.)
Module 4: Development
58Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 6(PDF )
60Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 6 (cont.)
62Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 7

Development Lab 1
Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 7 Notes (PDF )

Development Lab 1 Notes (PDF)
63Recombinant DNA Methods Lab 7 (cont.)

Development Lab 1 (cont.)
64Development Lab 2(PDF)
65Development Lab 2 (cont.)
67Development Lab 3(PDF)
69Development Lab 3 (cont.)
71Development Lab 4(PDF)
72Development Lab 4 (cont.)
74Development Lab 5(PDF)
75Development Lab 5 (cont.)


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