
Developmental and Molecular Biology of Regeneration >> Content Detail

Study Materials


The reading assignments listed below show what you should read before coming to class. You are expected to come to class prepared to discuss the assigned articles.

2Blastema formation

Reading 1

Whitehead, G. G., S. Makino, C. L. Lien, and M. T. Keating. "fgf20 is Essential for Initiating Zebrafish Fin Regeneration." Science 310 (2005): 1957-60.

Reading 2

Yokoyama, H., H. Ogino, C. L. Stoick-Cooper, R. M. Grainger, and R. T. Moon. "Wnt/Beta-Catenin Signaling has an Essential Role in the Initiation of Limb Regeneration." Dev Biol 306 (2007): 170-8.

3Progenitor cells I, stem cells

Reading 1

Bagna, J., E. Salo, and C. Auladell. "Regeneration and Pattern Formation in Planarians III. Evidence that Neoblasts are Totipotent Stem Cells and the Source of Blastema Cells." Development 107 (1989): 77-86.

Reading 2

Reddien, P. W., N. J. Oviedo, J. R. Jennings, J. C. Jenkin, and A. Sánchez Alvarado. "SMEDWI-2 is a PIWI-like Protein that Regulates Planarian Stem Cells." Science 310 (2005): 1327-30.

4Progenitor cells II, dedifferentiation

Reading 1

Lo, D. C., F. Allen, and J. P. Brockes. "Reversal of Muscle Differentiation During Urodele Limb Regeneration." PNAS 90 (1993): 7230-4.

Reading 2

Morrison, J. I., S. Lööf, P. He, and A. Simon. "Salamander Limb Regeneration Involves the Activation of a Multipotent Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cell Population." J Cell Biol 172 (2006): 433-40.


Reading 1

Bode, H. R., and S. G. Cumming. "Head Regeneration and Polarity Reversal in Hydra Attenuata can Occur in the Absence of DNA Synthesis." Dev Gen Evol 194 (1984): 79-86.

Reading 2

González-Estévez, C., D. A. Felix, A. A. Aboobaker, and E. Saló. "Gtdap-1 Promotes Autophagy and is Required for Planarian Remodeling During Regeneration and Starvation." PNAS 104 (2007): 13373-8.

6Positional information I, regeneration polarity

Reading 1

Broun, M., L. Gee, B. Reinhardt, and H. R. Bode. "Formation of the Head Organizer in Hydra Involves the Canonical Wnt Pathway." Development 132 (2005): 2907-16.

Reading 2

Gurley, K. A., J. C. Rink, and A. Sánchez Alvarado. "Beta-Catenin Defines Head versus Tail Identity During Planarian Regeneration and Homeostasis." Science 18 (2008): 323-7.

7Positional information II, limb regeneration

Reading 1

Crawford, K., and D. L. Stocum. "Retinoic Acid Coordinately Proximalizes Regenerate Pattern and Blastema Differential Affinity in Axolotl Limbs." Development 102 (1988): 687-98.

Reading 2

da Silva, S. M., P. B. Gates, and J. P. Brockes. "The Newt Ortholog of CD59 is Implicated in Proximodistal Identity During Amphibian Limb Regeneration." Dev Cell 4 (2002): 547-55.

8Positional information III, intercalary regeneration

Reading 1

French, V., P. J. Bryant, and S. V. Bryant. "Pattern Regulation in Epimorphic Fields." Science 193 (1976): 969-81.

Reading 2

Gibson, M. C., and G. Schubiger. "Hedgehog is Required for Activation of Engrailed During Regeneration of Fragmented Drosophila Imaginal Discs." Development 126 (1999): 1591-9.

9Organ regeneration

Reading 1

Lepilina, A., A. N. Coon, K. Kikuchi, J. E. Holdway, R. W. Roberts, C. G. Burns, and K. D. Poss. "A Dynamic Epicardial Injury Response Supports Progenitor Cell Activity During Zebrafish Heart Regeneration." Cell 127 (2006): 607-19.

Reading 2

Moolten, F. L., and N. L. Bucher. "Regeneration of Rat Liver: Transfer of Humoral Agent by Cross Circulation." Science 158 (1967): 272-4.

10Adult stem cells

Reading 1

Gussoni, E., Y. Soneoka, C. D. Strickland, E. A. Buzney, M. K. Khan, A. F. Flint, L. M. Kunkel, and R. C. Mulligan. "Dystrophin Expression in the mdx Mouse Restored by Stem Cell Transplantation." Nature 401 (1999): 390-4.

Reading 2

Wagers, A. J., R. I. Sherwood, J. L. Christensen, and I. L. Weissman. "Little Evidence for Developmental Plasticity of Adult Hematopoietic Stem Cells." Science 297 (2002): 2256-9.

11Homeostasis I, progenitor cells

Reading 1

Dor, Y., J. Brown, O. I. Martinez, and D. A. Melton. "Adult Pancreatic Beta-Cells are Formed by Self-Duplication Rather than Stem-Cell Differentiation." Nature 429 (2004): 41-6.

Reading 2

Micchelli, C. A., and N. Perrimon. "Evidence that Stem Cells Reside in the Adult Drosophila Midgut Epithelium." Nature 439 (2006): 475-9.

12Homeostasis II, stem cell self-renewal and stem cell niche

Reading 1

Molofsky, A. V., R. Pardal, T. Iwashita, I. K. Park, M. F. Clarke, and S. J. Morrison. "Bmi-1 Dependence Distinguishes Neural Stem Cell Self-Renewal from Progenitor Proliferation." Nature 425 (2003): 962-7.

Reading 2

Tumbar, T., G. Guasch, V. Greco, C. Blanpain, W. E. Lowry, M. Rendl, and E. Fuchs. "Defining the Epithelial Stem Cell Niche in Skin." Science 303 (2004): 359-63.

13Regenerative medicine

Reading 1

Takahashi, K., and S. Yamanaka. "Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Mouse Embryonic and Adult Fibroblast Cultures by Defined Factors." Cell 126 (2006): 663-76.

Reading 2

Cohn, R. D., et al. "Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Blockade Attenuates TGF-Beta—induced Failure of Muscle Regeneration in Multiple Myopathic States." Nat Med 13 (2007): 204-10.

14Oral presentations


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