
Dynamics and Control I >> Content Detail

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The cited chapter/section numbers are in the course textbook:

Amazon logo Williams, J. H., Jr. Fundamentals of Applied Dynamics. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2006. ISBN: 9780470133859.

I. Motion of a single particle

Course information

Begin kinematics: frames of reference and frame notation


The "spider on a Frisbee" problem

Kinematics using first principles: "downconvert" to ground frame

3.1, 3.2
3Pulley problem, angular velocity, magic formula

3.3, beginning of 3.4

Handout: kinematics (PDF)

4Magic and super-magic formulae3.4, 3.5 theory
5Super-magic formula, degrees of freedom, non-standard coordinates, kinematic constraints3.5 problems, 3.6
II. 2D Motion of system of particles
6Single particle: momentum, Newton's laws, work-energy principle, collisions4.1, 4.2
7Impulse, skier separation problem


Handout: note on in-class problem — skier sliding on semicircular mountain (PDF)


Single particle: angular momentum, example problem

Two particles: dumbbell problem, torque

4.3, 6.1, 6-2.1
9Dumbbell problem, multiple particle systems, rigid bodies, derivation of torque = I*alpha6.2
10Three cases, rolling disc problem6-3.1, 6-3.2 (restrict to 2D, most of the material is 3D)
11Work-energy principle
12Exam 1 recapHandout: rigid body dynamics (PDF)
13Exam 1
III. Introduction to Lagrangian dynamics
14Generalized coordinates, introduction to Lagrangian, example problem5-4.1, 5-5 (see equations alone), examples in 5-5 without generalized force calculations
15Lagrangian derivation5-4.3, 5-4.4
16Generalized forces, double pendulum problem5-4.4, examples in 5-5, 6-5, 2D examples in 6-6
17Example problemExamples in 5-5, 6-5, 2D examples in 6-6

Exam 2 recap

Inverted pendulum, phase plots

Handout: Lagrangian formulation (PDF)
19Exam 2
20Helicopter dynamics
IV. Vibrations
21Single DOF system: equilibrium, linearization, stability analysis8-1, 8-3 introduction
22Free response of a damped oscillator8-3.1
23Free response (cont.)8-3.1
24Free response (cont.), forced response


Handout: the behavior of dynamic systems (PDF)


Forced response (cont.), Bode plots

Putting it all together (free + forced)

26Final exam review
27Final exam


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