
Waste Containment and Remediation Technology >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Introduction to Remediation Technology
2Hazardous Waste Regulations and Hazardous Materials
3Contaminant Transport Mechanisms and Principles
4Multi-phase Flow in Porous Media
5NAPL Fate and TransportHomework 1 due
6Site Characterization
7Site Characterization (cont.)Homework 2 due
8Remediation Principles: Source Control and Management of Migration Covers, Cut-off Walls, Solidification / Stabilization
9Pump-and-treat Systems
10Solvent Vapor Extraction, Air Sparging, Soil Flushing
11Funnel and Gate Systems, Permeable Treatment WallsHomework 3 due (counts double)
13Natural AttenuationHomework 4 due
14New Remediation Technologies
Technical Impracticability
Take home midterm handed out
15Remedy Selection and Risk AssessmentTake home midterm due
16Introduction to Solid, Hazardous, and Radioactive Waste Disposal and Containment
17Design of LandfillHomework 5 due
18Leachate and Gas Production in Landfill
19Landfill HydrologyHomework 6 due
20Field Trip to Crapo Hill LandfillHomework 7 due
21Compacted Soil Liners
22Synthetic Clay Liners and GeomembranesDesign problem due
23Landfill Construction QA, Monitoring, and ClosureTake home final handed out
24BrownfieldsTake home final due
25Hazardous Waste Practice (Regulatory Practice, Expert Testimony, Risk Assessment)


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