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Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

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1Project Introduction

Instructor, TA and Student Introductions, Course Objectives, Course Administration, Brief History of Project Management, Terms and Definitions, Course Framework (PDF)
Module 1: Advanced Methods and Tools
2Network Planning Techniques

CPM, PERT, MPM, Probabilistic Scheduling, Critical Path Identification, Focus on Parallel and Sequential Task Dependencies (PDF)
3DSM 1: Task-based Models

Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), Introduction to Design Structure Matrices (DSM), Sequencing, Partitioning and Tearing (PDF - 2.5 MB)
4DSM 2: Iteration Models

Use of DSM's in a Project Management Context, Sequential and Parallel Iteration Models, Process Analysis and Redesign, Industrial Examples (PDF)
5Project and Team Organization

Influence, Matrix and Dedicated Project Organizations, Alignment of Task, Product and Organizational Architectures (DSM Overlap), IPTs (PDF)
6SD1: Project System Dynamics

Introduction to System and Project Dynamics, Causes of Project Dynamics, Key Concept: "The Rework Cycle", Notion of Feedbacks and Knock-on Effects (PDF)
7SD2: Feedback Loops and Rework

SD Modeling Introduction, "Soft" and "Hard" Tools, Causal Loop Diagrams, Cause-Effect Relationships, Stocks and Flows, Productivity and Quality (PDF)
8SD3: Project Dynamics Simulation

Quantitative Modeling of Project Dynamics, Model Calibration and Parameter Estimation, Simulation Execution, Industrial Examples (PDF)
9SD4: Managing Project Dynamics

SD Simulation Application, Staff and Schedule Dynamics, Variations on the Basic Rework Cycle, Discuss Vensim Simulation Assignment (PDF)
Module 2: Strategic Issues in Project Preparation and Planning - Case Studies
10SD5: Strategic Issues in Project Planning

"Strategic" View of Project Management, Project Preparation and Planning, Strategic vs. Operational Decisions, Initiation of Dynamics (PDF - 1.2 MB)
11Product Development Processes

Classification: Phased vs. Spiral PDP's, A Project Management View of the PDP, Process Selection Criteria, Milestones, Industrial Examples (PDF - 1.0 MB)
12Integrated Concurrent Engineering

Traditional Sequential Design versus ICE, Computational Infrastructures and Processes, Peer-Peer vs. Client-Server Architectures, Examples (PDF 1) (PDF 2 - 1.1 MB)
13Case 1: Software Development Projects

Industrial guest speaker will give examples of past software/IT projects and discuss salient aspects in the context of the class, Q & A session (PDF - 1.0 MB)
14Case 2: Civil Architecture Projects

Industrial guest speaker will give examples of past civil infrastructure projects and discuss salient aspects in the context of the class, Q & A session
15Case 3: Aerospace and Naval Projects

Industrial guest speaker will give examples of past aerospace, automotive or naval projects and discuss salient aspects in the context of the class. These projects differ from case 1 and 2 in the sense that both high hardware and software complexity are present, Q & A session (PDF)
Module 3: Project Execution, Monitoring and Adaptation
16Critical Chain/Path Scheduling

Critical Path Scheduling, Identification and Control, Project Crashing and its Consequences, Critical Chain Method, DSM to Critical Chain Linking (PDF)
17SD6: Risk Management

SD View of Risk Management, Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, Risk Mitigation, Case Example: Peace Shield, Delay and Disruption Disputes (PDF)
18Resource Consumption and Progress Tracking

Resource Consumption: Cost and Time, Progress Monitoring: Perceived vs. Real, Cost Schedule Status Reporting (CSSR), "Earned Value" (PDF)
19SD7: Project Change and Adaptation

Descoping, Schedule Adjustments, Staffing Strategies (PDF - 1.3 MB)
20SD8: Overlapping and Concurrency

Use of Buffers, Decoupling Task Interdependencies, Schedule Compression Strategies, Task Overlapping Framework, SD Simulation, Cost Impact (PDF)
Module 4: Project Critical Success Factors and Summary
21Project Management: The Human Aspect (PDF)
22Project Critical Success Factors

Strategic, Tactical and Operational Factors that have influenced project success and failure in the past, Empirical Data from Lean Aerospace Initiative (PDF)
23-24Project Presentations

Formal Class Presentations by Student SPM Project Teams

Ca. 20 Minutes per Team, including Q & A session
25Class Summary and Feedback

Review of Key Concepts in SPM, Extension to Multiproject Environments, Discussion of Open Issues, and Quantitative Evaluation of Class Feedback (PDF)


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