
Electromagnetics >> Content Detail



Special software is required to use some of the files in this section: .mp4, .m, and .mpeg.

This section contains MATLAB® scripts, and resulting outputs, which help to demonstrate principles of electrodynamics covered in the course.

1Hertzian Dipole (MP4)

Matlab® Script, dipole.m (M)
2Parallel Plate Waveguide Movies and Matlab® Scripts
3Wave Propagation in Free Space (MP4)

Matlab® Script, media.m (M)
4Right-handed Elliptically Polarized Wave (MP4)
5Left-handed Elliptically Polarized Wave (MP4)
6Normal Modes On Transmission Lines (MP4 - 9.5MB)
7VSWP of a Quarter Wave Transformer for the Matched Case (MP4)
8VSWP of a Quarter Wave Transformer for the Mismatched Case (MP4)
9Wave in a very Lossy Medium (MP4)

Matlab® Script, media.m (M)
10Wave in a Plasma Medium (MP4)

Matlab® Script, media.m (M)
11Propagation of a UPW Through a Rectangular Aperture: (MP4)
12Resonator, res.m (M)

High-Q (MP4 - 5.6MB), Low-Q (MP4 - 5.5MB)

Resonator Structure (PDF)
13Transients on Transmission Lines (MPEG - 4.4MB)
14Reflection Coefficients, refl_coef.m (M)
153D Dipole Array Patterns, dparray3.m (M)


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