
Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics >> Content Detail



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Hagelstein, Peter L., Stephen D. Senturia, and Terry P. Orlando. Introduction to Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics. New York, NY: Wiley, 2004. ISBN: 0471202762.


There will be about ten homework sets and two quiz-completion exercises (see also Quizzes below). Homework due dates vary and are listed on the Schedule. You may use any resource available on the homework, including textbooks, and you may work with other students in developing both insight and answers. However, you are required to write up your own final solutions and MATLAB® codes. Copying a solution from another student or from a previous problem solution is not permitted. As a precaution against any misunderstanding, we suggest that if you learn the solution to a problem from another source, whether printed or human, you identify the source on your homework paper.


There will be two one-hour quizzes in class.

Quiz Dates: Ses #16 and Ses #27.

One sheet of notes is permitted at the quizzes. After completing and turning in your Quiz paper, you will be given until the start of class on the Wednesday following the Quiz to write up complete Quiz solutions as a take-home exercise. Quiz grades will be computed as the average of your in-class score and your final completed score.

Final Exam

There will be a 3 hour final exam.


The instructors reserve the right to use judgment instead of formulae when assigning final grades.

Final Exam1/3


The calendar below provides information on the course's lecture (L), recitation (R), and quiz (Q) sessions.

L1Introduction: Classical and Quantum MechanicsProblem set 1 out
L2Probability Amplitudes and Development of Quanta
R1Fourier Transforms / MATLAB®
L3Dispersion, Wavepackets

Problem set 2 out

Problem set 1 due

L4Operators and Ehrenfest's Theorem
R2Examples of Operators and Ehrenfest's Theorem
L5Eigenfunctions, Eigenvalues, Superposition

Problem set 3 out

Problem set 2 due

L6Finite Well and 1D Box
L7Tunneling Barriers

Problem set 4 out

Problem set 3 due

L8Simple Harmonic Oscillator
R3Tunneling Examples, STM, SHO
L9Raising and Lowering Operators

Problem set 5 out

Problem set 4 due

L10LC Circuit & SHO Wavepackets
L11WKB Approximation, Variational MethodProblem set 5 due
L12Finite Basis Set Approximation
Q1Quiz 1
L13Two-level System (dc Drive)Problem set 6 out
L14Two-level System (cont.)
R4Examples of Two-level Systems
L15Two-level System: Dynamic Drive

Problem set 7 out

Problem set 6 due

L16Coupled Systems
R5Two-level Examples and Coupled System
L17Coupled Systems

Problem set 8 out

Problem set 7 due

L182D and 3D; Density of States
R6Examples and Periodic Boundary Conditions
L19Quantization of the E and M FieldsProblem set 8 due
Q2Quiz 2
L20Fermi's Golden RuleProblem set 9 out
L21Statistical Physics
R7Examples of Statistical Physics
L22Statistical Physics II

Problem set 10 out

Problem set 9 due

R8Thermionic Emission
L23Metals and Semiconductors IProblem set 10 due
L24Metals and Semiconductors II
R9Examples of Metals and Semiconductors
L25H-Atom I
L26H-Atom II
R10H-Atom Examples
Final Exam


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