
Compound Semiconductor Devices >> Content Detail




6.720J, 6.728


There is no text for the subject. Reading material, assignments, and references will be distributed periodically in class and on the web.

Problem Sets

There will be roughly bi-weekly problem sets handed out.

Mid-term and Final Exams

There will be no exams (unless no one appears to be keeping up, in which case there will be a mid-term).

Final Paper

Students will be asked to research a topic of current interest to the compound semiconductor community and to the student, to prepare a 15 minute presentation on their topic, and to also submit a 8 to 10 page term paper on the same topic. Depending on the enrollment and classroom availability, we hope to schedule time when the presentations can be given to the entire class.


Grades will be based on class participation, homework completion, and the final paper.


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