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Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

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2Balance Sheets and Income Statements

The Time Value of Money

Discrete and Continuous Compounding
3Time Value of Money Mechanics (cont.)(PDF)
4The Effects of Inflation

Calculation of Capital Costs
(PDF - 1.0 MB)(PDF)
5Depreciation, Capital Recovery, and Taxes(PDF)
6Depreciation, Capital Recovery, and Taxes (II)(PDF)
7Levelized Cost of Product

Carrying Charges
8Methods for Project Evaluation(XLS)
9Methods for Project Evaluation (II): Nuclear Power Economics(PDF)(PDF)
10Quiz #1
11Retirement/Replacement Problems

Cost of Capital
(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)
12Evaluating Projects under Uncertainty(PDF)
13Economics of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (I):
Material Balances and Simple Cost Models
14Economics of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (II): Enrichment Case Study(PDF - 2.9 MB)(PDF 1)

(PDF 2)
15Reprocessing and MOX Recycle: Economics and other Considerations(PDF)(PDF)
16Nonproliferation, Safeguards, and Export Controls

Guest Lecturer: Matthew Bunn, Harvard University
(PDF - 1.5 MB)(PDF) (Courtesy of Matthew Bunn. Used with permission.)
17Proliferation-resistance and Nuclear Energy

Guest Lecturer: Matthew Bunn, Harvard University
18Quiz #2
19Externalities: Accounting and Regulation(PDF)(PDF)
20Nuclear Waste Management (I)(PDF - 1.2 MB)
21Nuclear Waste Management (II)
22Risk Perceptions, Communication and Public Attitudes(PDF - 1.7 MB)
23Future of Nuclear Power(PDF)
24Term Project Presentations
25Term Project Presentations


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