
Leadership Development >> Content Detail



The syllabus outlines course structure and assignments.
Leadership Development (3 credits)

Tuesday, Week 1 -- 10:00-2:00
Saturday / Sunday, Week 4, 2002 (UNH Outward Bound)
Friday, Week 11 -- 9:00-1:00 (including alumni panel and lunch)

Session 1: Leadership Development for Incoming TPP Students
Tuesday, Week 1 -- 10:00-2:00

Week 1

10:00: Welcome, Introductions, and Overview

10:15: Introduction to Core Leadership Capabilities

  •  Visioning, Analyzing, Relating, Inventing, Enabling

10:30: Visioning: Constructing a Shared Vision (15 min.)

  •  Application: Shared Vision for Technology Policy Leadership (30 min.)

11:15: Analyzing: Developing a Strategic Plan (15 min.)

  •  Application: "Valuable Disconnect" Analysis of Technology Policy Leadership Vision (30 min.)

12:15: Analyzing: Understanding "The Rules of the Game" (15 min.)

  •  Application: the Bargaining Game (60 min.)

1:30: Assignment and Advance Planning for UNH Outward Bound Weekend

2:00: Adjourn

Assignment 1 (Due Monday, Week 2)

Write a 2-3 page paper (double-spaced) in which you:

  • Identify the specific leadership skills you want to develop further during your time as a TPP student - your "future vision."
  • Explain the rationale for why you have selected these skills.
  • Indicate your assessment of where you are at today with respect to these skills - your "current reality."
  • Spell out an action plan to further develop these skills.
  • Establish clear measurable indicators to track progress during this time.

Simplified Example 

Skill: Active Listening.

Rationale: Technology Policy Leaders have to be able to listen well if they are to lead effectively. Too often, the "logic of the technology" or the politics of the situation takes over and the listening doesn't take place.

Assessment: I listen well when I focus on this skill, but most of the time this is not the case. In particular, I don't take enough time to paraphrase back to people what I have heard them say.

Action Plan: Every morning I will identify one critical conversation likely to happen that day and make a personal commitment to listening effectively.

Measurables: I will set up a matrix to track progress -- assessing how I am doing on a daily or weekly basis (whichever works best -- I will start with the daily tracking).

Note: Anticipate using this paper as a "baseline" measure, re-examining the paper at various times during the TPP program (especially as a point of reflection towards the end of the program).

Session 2: Leadership Development Offsite
Saturday / Sunday, Week 4

Week 4

8:30: Welcome and overview

8:40: Review of Leadership Skills

9:00: Relating: Negotiation Skills and Principles

  • Interest-Based Bargaining Principles (45 min.)
  • Communication Skills for Negotiators (30 min.)

10:15: Relating: Negotiation Skills and Principles (cont.)

  • Facilitation Skills (30 min.)
  • Dealing with Difficult People (30 min.)
  • Negotiation Simulation: The Training Conflict (60 min.)

1:00: Inventing: Leadership and innovation (15 min.)

  • Application: "Egg Drop Enterprise" - Design and test (90 min.)

3:30: Concluding comments

4:00: Adjourn

Assignment 2 (Due Monday, Week 11)

Write a 2-3 page paper (double-spaced) in which you:

  • Review the specific leadership skills the you highlighted in your first paper and assess lessons learned to date -- in the TPP program and in your interactions outside of the program -- using the metrics you identified.
  • Be sure to provide specific examples to illustrate your points.

Session 3: Leadership Development Calibration
Friday, Week 11 -- 9:00-1:00 (including alumni panel and dinner)

 Week 11

9:00: Welcome and Overview

9:15: Calibration: Learning Dialogue on Leadership Lessons to Date in TPP

9:45: Cross-Cultural Negotiations

11:00: Enabling: Alumni Panel

1:00 Concluding Comments and Adjourn



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