
Projects Laboratory >> Content Detail



MATLAB® software is required to run the .m files in this section.


Each lab group does three out of six possible experiments in a semester. The experiments involve different branches of Mechanical Engineering knowledge, so we try to assign the students for maximum exposure to heat transfer, dynamics, thermo, fluid mechanics, etc. The image galleries below illustrate some of the equipment used in each of the experiments.

Experiment 1: Proximity Heating of Silicon Wafer (PDF) (Image Gallery)

Experiment 2: Transfer Line Dynamics (PDF) (Image Gallery)

Experiment 3: Pipe Clearing Fluid Transients (PDF) (Image Gallery)

Experiment 4: Irradiation Sample Transfer Line Snubbing Section Behavior (PDF) (Image Gallery)

Experiment 5: Peak Pressure in Nuclear Containment Vessel (PDF) (Image Gallery)

Experiment 6: The Effect of Thermal Stress on Heat Exchanger Tube Natural Frequencies (PDF) (Image Gallery)

Supporting Files

The following MATLAB® '.m' files may be useful to you as you massage the data you collect in the various experiments. If you develop other '.m' files that you think would be useful in this course, please send them to the course instructors.

fitplot.m (M)
Fits n degree polynomial to input vectors xin, yin; fit coefficients in coeff.

getdata.m (M)
Utility to get the time and voltage trace from a data file.

powerfit.m (M)
Least square fit of data using linear combination of powers.

pwrspect.m (M)
Analysis of power spectrum.

steam_p.m (M)
Saturation properties for H2O; output saturation pressure.

steam_t.m (M)
Saturation properties for H2O; output saturation temperature.

The complete laboratory manual, containing all six experiments listed above plus syllabus, calendar, and tools information, is available here (PDF)


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