Software The 2.672 lab uses the ME computer network system under Window NT. You’ll log in under a group name and a default password for your lab group (assigned by your instructor). Change the password after you log in the first time. Then you can access the files by logging in on any ME computers.
Computer software packages have been installed in the lab computers for data acquisition, data processing, and word processing. You should start these programs by double-clicking their icons in the window. Then, the default directory will be your home directory. The following is a brief overview of these packages.
Labview: There are several icons here: CHART, WAVEFORM and VBENCH. CHART is the package we use the most; it is a general data logging program and displays the data on the fly. You can select which segment of the data you want to store afterwards. WAVEFORM acquires data in the usual way but you cannot display the data until the whole set is taken. VBENCH is a data acquisition virtual bench, which provides simulated oscilloscope, signal generators etc.
MATLAB®: Data processing, data plotting, and numerical simulation software. It has built-in programs for solving differential equations, curve fitting, and signal analysis.
Microsoft® Word: Word processing software.
Microsoft® Excel: Spreadsheet software.
Microsoft® PowerPoint®: Presentation software.
FTP: There is an icon based file transfer program for porting files between the lab computer and the MIT server.
All images are courtesy of OCW.

Each 2.672 experiment is installed on its own bench. Lab #6 is frontmost in the picture. |
Lab 1: Proximity Heating of Silicon Wafer

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Lab 1 apparatus: hot plate heater with silicon wafer (right), connected to a temperature probe (left). | Hot plate with silicon wafer in initial configuration (before heating). | Hot plate with silicon wafer lowered to heating position. |
Lab 2: Transfer Line Dynamics

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Lab 2 apparatus (left to right): computer for instrumentation and data capture, storage tank, transfer line system connected to lab's pressurized air supply. | Detail of transfer line valve configuration. | Bringing pressurized air into the system. | <<Ask instructor -- checking air/water pressure?>>> |

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First, Valve B is opened. | Then Valve A is opened, bringing water into the line. | | |
Lab 3: Pipe Clearing Fluid Transients

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Lab 3 apparatus: computer for instrumentation and data capture, air storage tank, pipe with bend that collects water. | Detail view of solenoid valve and water entry. | Force exterted on the pipe is measured by an LVDT supported as a cantilever. | Water is poured into the pipe before opening the solenoid. |
Lab 4: Irradiation Sample Transfer Line Snubbing Section Behavior

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Lab 4 apparatus: vertical transfer line, computer for instrumentation and data capture. | Detail view of light sensors at bottom of transfer line. | Samples to be irradiated would be packaged in a cylinder like this. | Filling the cylinder with lead shot to simulate a sample's weight. |

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Dropping the sample into the transfer line. | | | |
Lab 5: Peak Pressure in Nuclear Containment Vessel

Lab 5 apparatus: black tank as reactor vessel, pipes with valves to simulate breaks in the reactor vessel, red tank as simulated containment vessel. |
Lab 6: Effect of Thermal Stress on Heat Exchanger Tube Natural Frequencies

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Lab 6 apparatus: bucket for ice water to adjust pipe temperature (upper left), test pipe welded within black outer pipe | Detail view of sensor to measure the inner pipe's resonant frequency. |