
Genomics and Computational Biology >> Content Detail



Introductory courses in biology, computer science, and statistics. If you have any doubt about whether you have the equivalent experience, you should attend the appropriate sections which will focus on catching up with extra sections supplementing catch-up topics in greatest demand.
Course Organization
In addition to the lectures there will be section discussion meetings at the days and times above. Students will participate in at least one of those sections and form problem-solving and project teams consisting of at least one biology expert and one math/computer/engineering expert (or two to four people knowledgeable in both disciplines). Separate section on the basics of programming and molecular biology will be available in the first few weeks to even out the expected wide variation in backgrounds. Grades will be based on six problem sets, one final project, and participation in discussion sections covering the problems and about one scientific article per week. Your time commitment will be about 4 hours for classes and 6 to 12 additional hours per week, depending on background.



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