
Interrogative Design Workshop >> Content Detail

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Student Projects
Tim CamposStudent presents concept of a post-traumatic blanket: "sound as shelter".Student testing a blanket that records and plays back sound.
Joe DahmenJoe Dahmen's midterm presentation.Joe Dahmen's final project.
Hope GinsburgHope Ginsberg's midterm presentation.Hope Ginsberg presenting her final project, "Wonderbox," which is a portable cardboard case that can be reconfigured into a variety of shapes and spaces.
Marissa JahnExploration of the dismantling of wearable objects.Marissa Jahn presents her final project, a cloak and sewing kit, that allows the wearer to attach parts of the cloak to others' wardrobes.
Kate JamesKate James presents her midterm exploration: a skirt which is employed both to provide an isolated space for the wearer while also extended to suggest a space for the second person with whom one might converse.Kate James' final project: the utterlounge, a chaise designed with an attached sound conduit.
Amber Frid-JimenezAmber Frid-Jimenez's midterm presentation.Amber Frid-Jimenez's final presentation.
Jae Rhim LeeJae Rhim Lee presents preliminary investigations in her midterm presentation.Green Skirt/Green Urinal, a tool that would facilitate public urination, encourage individuals to shift their perception of their bodies and biological processes, and offer an ecological solution to the growing wastewater and sewage treatment problem.
Bren Galvez-MorettiBren Galvez-Moretti's midterm presentation.Bren Galvez-Moretti's final presentation.
Michael PowellMichael Powell's midterm presentation.Michael Powell's final presentation.
Casey RennerCasey Renner's midterm presentation.Casey Renner's final presentation.
Ben WoodBen Wood's midterm presentation. Ben Wood's final presentation.


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