
Interrogative Design Workshop >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Class Introduction - Guest Presentation: Jimmy Chen
2Introduction to VAP IEL (Dan Van Roekel)

Discussion of Readings Assigned Session 1
Assignment: Project 1
3Introduction to VAP Shop Facilities (Charlie Mathis)Preliminary presentations: Project 1
4Individual Roundtable Presentations/Sketches: Project 1

Discussion (Papanek, Mouffe, Art Projects)
5Guest Presentations: Tim Anderson and Elliot Felix

Discussion (Kristeva, Herman)
6Individually Scheduled Meetings with Prof.
7Guest Presentation: Azra Aksamija

Discussion (Bakhtin, Brecht)

CAVS Lecture: Vito Acconci Studio
8Individually Scheduled Meetings with Prof.
9Discussion (Thoreau, Benjamin, Critical Arts Ensemble, Public Enemy, King)
10Discussion (Deleuze and Guattari)
11Individually Scheduled Meetings with Prof.
12Mid-termMid-term project presentations: Group 1
13Mid-term (cont.)Mid-term project presentations: Group 2
14Discussion (Levinas, Benjamin, Deutsche)
15Discussion (Smith, De Carlo, Arendt, Castells)
16Guest Presentation

CAVS Lecture: Pia Lindman
17Guest Presentation
18N55 PresentationPresentation and discussion of N55's work
19N55 Presentation (cont.)Presentation and critique of individual student projects
20Discussion (Bakunin, West)

CAVS Lecture: Judith Barry
21Individually Scheduled Meetings with Prof.
22Discussion (Winnicott, Situationists, Careri)
23Individually Scheduled Meetings with Prof.
24Production / Individual Meetings with Prof.
25Production / Individual Meetings with Prof. (cont.)
26FinalFinal presentations with guest critics


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